Does music move you like it does me?
When that familiar song starts playing that is one of your favorites do you start humming the lyrics, or singing, or do you even get the urge to start moving around to the beat? You’ve likely seen the flash mobs where one person in a crowd starts out by spontaneously bursting into a song and dance number and people are moved to join in. Soon the movement can grow into hundreds within minutes as people simply can’t help but join in.
Let me share an experience I had with a song like that a couple of years ago. It still moves me to this day when I hear it played.
I had the pleasure of being invited as a keynote speaker at a Business Leader’s Conference and the event planners chose an introduction song for me. Rather than the boring introduction that we often receive of someone reading our bio, instead this creative group of organizers chose an inspirational song for each speaker as they were being introduced.
The song they chose for me was Warrior by Hannah Kerr. As I walked to the stage, I was so moved by the music and the lyrics that I looked up the song when I got home.
Here are some of the powerful lyrics:
- You’ll never stop me I’m a warrior
- Stare down the face of fear
- In the dark there is light
- When I fall down, I get stronger
- Every scar on my skin is a beautiful reminder off a moment when I didn’t give in
What does the word “warrior” mean? Merriam-Webster defines as:
A person who fights in battles and is known for having courage and skill.
When Your Life Feels Like a Battlefield
Let’s face it, life can be a battlefield. It is not “if” we will face challenges, it is “when.”
I have faced some significant challenges in my own life, one of the hardest times as a single mother trying to hold together the broken pieces of my life. I remember feeling exhausted and overwhelmed trying to keep up with everything. There were times that I felt so alone, discouraged, and hopeless.
Change happened because I didn’t give up.
Even though I had been kicked down, I could choose a perspective that would lead me forward, versus one that would hold me back. I made the choice to boldly face my fears and embrace my faith. It wasn’t easy and some days it was a minute-by-minute choice.
But I kept working at it. I created success habits and disciplines to improve my mindset, to take better care of myself, and to focus on my most important priorities.
My friend, if you find yourself in a place where you are struggling; where you feel discouraged and aren’t sure of the path forward, remind yourself of these important truths:
- You are a warrior.
- You have the strength to overcome.
- Your power can come from your pain.
Sometimes it takes you getting to a point where you finally say, “no more.” This realization will lead you to change and a better life. Your wounds can turn to scars, and these can be beautiful reminders that you did not give in.
It’s Time to Step In to Your Power
Are you ready to step in to your best life?
As you look at the year ahead, start thinking now about what you want your life to look like. You may have had some enormous challenges in your past that you thought were over – but they continue to trigger you. You may have made a courageous decision to end a situation or relationship that was unhealthy – but there is more to do. Or you may be right in the midst of a significant challenge.
Listening to a meditation the other day, the analogy of the sun was used.
The sun is light, brightness. Similar to the way the sun lights the dark, you can have clarity of mind. Be willing to look boldly at yourself. This is not easy, but when you do you will see things more clearly and can learn to accept yourself and your circumstances as they are.
The sun is warmth. When you are cold, there is nothing like going into the warmth of the sun and feeling the warmth of it on your face. In the same way, allow your mind to be warm and gentle with yourself; be open and accepting.
As you look at your life with boldness, remember to have compassion for yourself and others. Recognize when criticism and judgment arise and learn to let them go.
Wherever you find yourself today, remember that even in the most difficult of circumstances you have personal power. You just need to step into it.
Read these ten ways you can begin to overcome with the power of choice:
- You can choose to accept what you can’t control. Versus trying desperately to control what you cannot.
- You can choose to set healthy boundaries. Versus letting others dictate your decisions and behaviors.
- You can choose to wake up every day grateful for your life. Versus allowing a negative mindset to rule your day.
- You can choose a healthy work-life balance. Versus this non-stop striving that does not serve you or others.
- You can choose to own your accomplishments. Versus beating yourself up for where you fall short.
- You can choose to be proud of yourself for the hard things you have already done. Versus thinking of everything you must still do.
- You can choose to believe in yourself. Versus allowing anxiety and self-doubt to control you.
- You can choose to have compassion for yourself and others. Versus being self-critical and judgmental.
- You can choose to make a plan to take you forward. Versus staying stuck and overwhelmed.
- You can choose the mindset of a warrior. Versus seeing yourself as a victim of your circumstances.
I am a warrior and will shout this from the rooftops if I need to that YOU can be too.
The today you’re having does not have to be your tomorrow. You’ve got this. The choice is yours, and I am here to cheer you on.
You have the power to overcome. It is your choice to take your life back and create a better future. When you make this happen, the positivity of your actions begins to spread to those around you. It becomes a movement, and others will want to join in.
You are a warrior.