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About the Author

Janelle Bruland is an entrepreneur, business leader, and high-performance coach who inspires others to live highly engaged, impactful, and successful lives. She is Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Management Services Northwest, a company she started in her living room in 1995 with a handful of employees. Today, MSNW is an industry leading company, named one of the Fastest Growing Private Companies by both Inc.magazine and the Puget Sound Business Journal. Janelle has won numerous awards including the James E. Purcell Leadership Award, SBA Washington Business Person of the Year and the Nellie Cashman Woman Business Owner of the Year.

Janelle is Co-Founder of Legacy Leader, a leadership development company where they teach entrepreneurs and business professionals how to build legacy, transform their leadership, and love their life.

She lives with her family in Birch Bay, Washington.

© 2019 
