About this episode

Welcome back to the Intentional Leadership Podcast as we dive into the first episode of 2020.

Today on the show I’m sharing 3 powerful steps of reflection to make this next decade your best decade. Why? Because as we all know, we do not get many do-overs in life. So, it is important that you learn to set and achieve your goals now in order to live a life that you love in the future.

Here are the three steps of reflection that I take each year, steps that have even more power in the new decade:

  1. Look back over the last decade and consider the milestones – the key events of your life. These will have had positive or negative impact and may include things like getting married, a graduation, or a career transition.
  2. What have been the positive achievements and growth areas for you personally and professionally? List as many as come to mind for you. As you do this, evaluate how you have moved forward in positive ways compared to where you were 10 years ago.
  3. Now narrow your list to the top three achievements of the last decade. Ask yourself what impact these have had on your life and how you can take these lessons learned forward as opportunities for legacy building – in order to create the next decade of significance.

Do you see any common themes in your reflection? After listening to the show let us know!

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