Do you find yourself overwhelmed with all your projects and responsibilities? I’m going to share with you one of the most powerful tools a leader can have is the ability to say, “No.” To have the successful life you desire you must be disciplined to say “no” more than you say “yes.” Today, I’ll share with you two strategies to help you be more productive and make more space for what really matters to you, as well as five things that I have learned to say “no” to over the years. Remember, we all have the same 24 hour day and it’s up to us to be intentional with how we’re going to use them.

This leadership podcast show will help you break through the barriers holding you back from the true life of significance you are meant to live. With your host Janelle Bruland, I invite you to join me each month as I share leadership lessons and specific strategies to Transform Your Leadership, Crush Your Goals, and Love Your Life.

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