Winter Health Reset
Well, it is official, winter is truly here in the Pacific Northwest. The meteorologist was correct, and after a few days of winter storm warnings on my weather app, [...]
Choose an Attitude of Gratitude
One of my family’s favorite hikes is a sunset trail to a lake overlook that is simply breathtaking. The purple mountains, the age-old cactus in the desert hills, and [...]
It’s Time for a Life Reset
My youngest daughter got her travel bug from me and is quite the adventurer. Currently in a job where she has the opportunity to travel a fair amount, the [...]
8 Ways to Stop Giving Away Your Power
How often do you give away your power? You may do this more often than you think. This was a realization for one of my CEO clients after they [...]
Live Your Best Life – Put Your Past in the Past
Whether you realize it or not, every day you are living the story of your life… Imagine you are holding a large book in your hands. There is [...]