About this episode

If you’ve been tuning in to the Intentional Leadership Podcast, you know that I’ve been sharing all about how to prevent career burnout by striving for optimum health. Today on the show I’m sharing the third key to achieve overall wellness, sleep. When you work to improve your sleep habits, you’ll start to see big changes in your business and your life.

Sleep is so important because without sleep you cannot form or maintain pathways in your brain that let you learn and create memories and you can’t concentrate or respond. This may be why you are feeling brain fog throughout the work day, or can’t seem to function past 2 pm. Some other signs of lack of sleep are excessive yawning, moodiness, depression, forgetfulness, difficulty learning new things, clumsiness, increased appetite, and intimacy issues.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, we need 7-9 hours of sleep per night, but 40% of Americans are getting 6 hours or less. If you think you may fall in this category, then it is important that you make the decision to figure out why you’re not sleeping well and take action to improve your sleep routine.

Graham and I are talking about my 10 Tips for Better Sleep, which you can also find in my book. Read through the tips below then choose one or two that you can start to implement today!

  1. Have a regular evening routine.
  2. Set a sleep and wake schedule.
  3. Make your bedroom your sanctuary.
  4. Shut off the electronics.
  5. Turn down the temperature.
  6. Block out the light.
  7. Block out sound.
  8. Avoid caffeine and alcohol.
  9. Use essential oils.
  10. Check your hormone levels.

Overtime you will become more in tune with your body and you will be able to avoid triggers that lead to interrupted sleep. Listen in to the full episode for more!

Resources mentioned in this episode

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